Standard Features:
1. Heavy cast iron structure for vibration absorption and durability.
2. Servo/ PLC controls for wrapper cut length settings.
3. No – product – No-wrap interlock.
4. Cut off height setting by means of handwheel.
5. Discharge height setting by means of handwheel.
6. Automatic Print Registration Unit by means of imported sensor.
7. PID temperature controls from Honeywell or equivalent make.
8. VFD speed control.
9. Machine speed upto 160 ppm (machine speed and accuracy is dependent of
quality of packing material, soap size and its quality, uniform inflow of the product)
10. Heavy distortion free cast structure
Optional Features:
1. Collation Unit for wrapped soaps for easy collection on discharge conveyor.
2. Stainless steel guarding.
3. Double Spool Holders for stiffener and wrapper.
4. Change parts
5. Centarlised lubrication unit.
6. Tool Kit.
7. Emergency Spares kit.
8. Customised infeed conveyor.
9. Web break interlock.
10. Mirror image orientation to allow single operator to run two machines.